Have you heard of the Veganuary challenge? A month-long commitment to a strictly vegan diet as a way to get introduced to the vegan lifestyle. Oof.
Lightlife, the plant-based protein company, would like to inspire you to enjoy some more delicious plant-based meals, but promoting a challenge people couldn’t wait to break didn’t seem that wise to us, so we created a much more accommodating and accepting movement for the month right after Veganuary.
Welcoming eaters of all kind—from Carn-noisseurs to Veg-with-benefits—we started promoting Flexuary on January 18th, when 88% of people have abandoned their New Year’s resolutions. We targeted people tired of Veganuary and other unreasonable diet commitments with a more balanced and realistic approach to eating and living.
We were in pre-pro on a video-driven PR campaign featuring New Girl's star Max Greenfield but due to COVID production restrictions, it evolved into an online campaign featuring a personality quiz, paid & organic social, animations, digital ads, merchandise and influencer amplifcation, all promoting the Flexuary mindset—and the Lightlife brand—as a way to live your best life, with plant-based ingredients the way they work best for you.