Geo-fenced, dynamic mobile ads
We serve up targeted ads to a prospect's mobile device with messages based on variables such as location, weather, promotions and trends, using beacon technology to further drive urgency and draw her closer to the ECB.

Wifi sponsorships
Prospects in mall food courts and airport lounges can access our free wifi network by merely selecting their preferred local shade (available at the ECB).

Local trending shades
Then, community poll data can be paired with local ECB sales data to dynamically inform geo-targeted promoted social posts as well as relevant ads during their users' sponsored WIFI sessions.

Post-purchase engagement
We continue the
conversation with a follow up email from the Essie Color Boutique (customers provide an email address for the digital receipt).

Localized Instagram accounts
As a real member of
the community, each local ECB provides the inside scoop on what's trending near them. Each account will have its own voice and be able to share news, tips and inspiration relevant to each location.

Off-premise utility
With one click, we can give
customers a richer, more personalized recommendation experience by utilizing
their own Facebook and Instagram activity.

ECB University
#ecbU will be a roving pop-up
school at Essie Color Boutiques and broadcast online. Michelle Phan, beauty expert, will teach classes on all
aspects of nail art. Tuition is only $8.50– just buy the polish at the machine.